Find a way to make it your self.
Instead of purchasing a chalkboard or white board for messages, just use a plate and dry erase marker. Messages wipe off easily. The plate can be switched out from time to time to add something new to your kitchen.
If you don't learn how to bake anything else learn to bake bread. This saves so much money. The cost of hoagie rolls, loaves of bread and biscuits can add up. In addition there's nothing like the taste of fresh baked bread. Finally, learn how to make your own desserts. I find that it much cheaper for me to buy all of the basic ingredients for desserts, such as flour, cocoa, sugar, butter, eggs, milk, baking powder and baking soda. With these basic ingredients you can make over 10 different desserts that I know of.
Have a great day.
Very, very cute idea with the plate! I'm going to try that. Thank you!